Greetings, friends.
There is a deep sadness in me as I wake from uneasy dreams to the reality of another day on our troubled planet.
The scenes of human anguish streaming out of Israel/Palestine, Ukraine, Afghanistan and so many other hot spots mingle with distress of the more-than-human world responding to the pressures of rapidly changing climate and human encroachment.
Sometimes it's all too much and I just want to hide under the covers and cry.
But that would do no one any good.
All of us alive today are here to be strong nodes in the web of living energy that holographically sustains our planet.
What does that mean? What does that look like?
Novelist, permaculturist and shaman Manda Scott, visiting my Open Society University Network class last week, told students to make a practice of "grounding, centering, and shielding," in order to stay strong and steady under the constant onslaught of the searing stories of our time.
To ground and center, you focus on your chakras from root to crown, imaginally reaching down into the core of the Earth and up into the soaring expanse of the Cosmos. You become the link between these realms and bring the power of both to ground in your own body, in the steadiness of your heart and your breath.
From this awareness, you erect your shields against the negative energies that, like rough waves, seek to tumble you about and bowl you over.
The shielding is selective.
I don't want to block out the suffering. I don't ever want to be complacent or insensitive to the pain of others. I want to always be aware of my fragile good fortune on a given day of peace, plenty and ease.
Holding the awareness of suffering while also nurturing joy is perhaps the hardest spiritual task.
Our potential for this level of awareness is what sets us apart from other animals, who don't concern themselves with complex moral dilemmas like "How can I be happy when so many are in such pain?"
Metaphysical Teachers from many traditions have been clear on this point: you don't have to feel guilty for joy. On the contrary: the more strongly you can ground, center, and shine your Light out into this darkening world, the more you can be a beacon and balm for others.
This week, looking for help in balancing the darkness of this New Moon/Solar Eclipse Libran moment, I sought out Palestinian and Israeli women poets who have used their writing to right the world, raising their voices for peace.
I found Suheir Hammad and Ada Aharoni, two powerful women from different generations and different cultures, both of whom have dedicated their creative lives to following Margaret Atwood's famous dictum: a word after a word after a word is power.
I invite you to ground and center yourself and let down your shields enough to listen to what both of these women word warriors have to say.
Read "On the Brink" by Suheir Hammad (listen to her perform the poem here).
Read "A Bridge of Peace" by Ada Aharoni.
And then I challenge you to take up that torch and carry it forward into your own creative journey.
How can you lend your creative agency to the great collective challenge of our time, restoring balance and harmony in human society and in the human relationship to all Life on Earth?
No grand gestures are necessary. Just be aware, and be strong. Don't let the darkness overpower your Light.
Yours in the Light,
Come write with me, in person and online!

Riding & Writing
Monte Velho Equo-Resort in Evora, Portugal, January 7 - 13, 2024. A week of dressage lessons on beautiful, well-trained Lusitano horses, plus guided writing sessions and plenty of time for relaxing and exploring the hill country of the Alentejo. Find out more and register here.
Hestaland in Borgarnes, Iceland, June 10 - 16, 2024. A week of riding spirited Icelandic horses in beautiful rolling countryside, writing in good company, and soaking in the hot springs and Arctic Summer Solstice energy of Iceland. Find out more and register here.
Writing Workshops
Telling the (Loving) Truth About Your Family: A Memoir Workshop hosted by Il Chiostro. November 3, 10 & 17, 9 - 10:30 am Eastern, online. Register here.
Join the Birth Your Truest Story Online Community for Writers!
Halloween/Day of the Dead “Behind the Veil” Open Mic, November 1, 7 pm Eastern. Register here.
Poetry as Attention, Poetry as Love with Allie Rigby, Nov. 5 & 12, 1 - 3 pm Eastern. Register here.
Check our online Events Calendar for a steady stream of online coaching and writing sessions, classes and events designed to nourish your writing practice and build community! See it all here.
Thank you for this post, Jennifer, and the links to the beautiful poems and people. I’d like to offer this mantra, “Shielded, grounded, surrounded by love.” We sure need all three right now. Thanks for framing it by giving us your words to wake up to today.