Greetings, friends!
This week, as we celebrate Indigenous heritage in the US and Thanksgiving in Canada, it's a good time to remember that no matter how far and wide our ancestors roamed, all humans were all once indigenous to a particular place on this beautiful planet, and our connection to our physical surroundings remains important, a grounding that can nourish us as we reach for metaphysical growth and understanding.
As it happens, this week I am transiting between the two places that ground and nourish me the most: the beach and the mountains.
On the shifting sands of the ever-changing coastline, facing the surging waters of the ocean under a vast sky, I can let my spirit go with the flow and feel the endless possibilities of transformative change.
When I go inland, I seek out deep-rooted forests and tall mountains full of craggy boulders with crevices that offer portals into the crystal-studded caverns beneath our feet.

Whether on the beach or on a mountain, I am always aware of my own potential to become a channel between the cosmic wisdom above and the earthly knowing below. Each of us has this potential to open ourselves to receive and transmit—indeed, this is what we term creativity, or magic.
The ancient art of magic insists, in the words of Jamie Della, that "our actions have an impact in a world that is alive, listening, and responding to us."
The more we can quiet our minds and move above and beyond the clutter of our ordinary lives, the better we can get into conversation with Gaia, that magical matrix of Earth and Cosmos.
And the deeper our communion, the better we can get into the flow of our purpose, what we came into this life to do, to be and to share.
There are so many ways to "write to right the world," but our words will have the most power when they come not only from our minds, but also from our hearts—for as Penny Gill and her Teachers tell us, our heart centers are the portals into our magical ability to transform our lives and our world according to our potent vision of what could be.
In the coming week, I feel I am aligning with my own purpose in hosting two magical opportunities for kindred spirits to come together to deepen our connection to Gaia and listen for the insights that she may have to offer.
If you are in the Berkshire region, please join me and Audrey Kalman on Wednesday, October 11, way up high on the peak of Mount Greylock, where we'll be opening our senses to that windy, wild place and listening for the magical stories that seek to come through us.
Register here.
And wherever you are in the world, you are warmly invited to join me and Christine Boschen on Sunday, October 15 for a live online channeled conversation with her Guides, opening our hearts to their loving support and guidance in these turbulent times of transformation on Earth.
Register here.
Friends, it is all too easy to get caught up and tumbled about by the rough waves of all the social and environmental upheaval taking place on our planet.
For me, the antidote is staying connected to my own creative center, and coming together with others who are doing the same.
Writing our way towards our visions of positive change, we can be the change we want to see in the world.
And yes, that is MAGIC!
Yours in the joy of spell casting,
Come write with me, in person and online!

Riding & Writing
Monte Velho Equo-Resort in Evora, Portugal, January 7 - 13, 2024. A week of dressage lessons on beautiful, well-trained Lusitano horses, plus guided writing sessions and plenty of time for relaxing and exploring the hill country of the Alentejo. Find out more and register here.
Hestaland in Borgarnes, Iceland, June 10 - 16, 2024. A week of riding spirited Icelandic horses in beautiful rolling countryside, writing in good company, and soaking in the hot springs and Arctic Summer Solstice energy of Iceland. Find out more and register here.
Writing Workshops
Magical Stories: Writing Under Greylock’s Spell, co-led with Audrey Kalman. October 11, 10:30 - 4 pm Eastern in person at Bascom Lodge, Mt Greylock, North Adams MA. Register here.
Telling the (Loving) Truth About Your Family: A Memoir Workshop hosted by Il Chiostro. November 3, 10 & 17, 9 - 10:30 am Eastern, online. Register here.
Join the Birth Your Truest Story Online Community for Writers!
Channeling & Journaling: A Co-creative journey with Gaia & Other Guides, co-led with Christine Boschen. October 15 & 29, 12 - 2 pm Eastern, online. Register here.
Halloween/Day of the Dead “Behind the Veil” Open Mic, November 1, 7 pm Eastern. Register here.
Check our online Events Calendar for a steady stream of online coaching and writing sessions, classes and events designed to nourish your writing practice and build community! See it all here.